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發(fā)布時間:2017-03-14 16:50  點擊:

全國外語翻譯證書考試中級(口譯)/ NAETI
北京環(huán)球雅思 口譯講師
北京天之聰教育 口譯講師
北京新英達 口譯講師
北京樂思福教育 口譯講師
IT行業(yè):微軟 惠普 神州數(shù)碼 三星電子 因特爾 英飛凌 中國移動 聯(lián)通 阿爾卡特朗訊等
金融行業(yè):中信銀行 建設銀行 招商銀行 亞洲開發(fā)銀行 匯豐 美國美林銀行 摩根大通 高盛等
醫(yī)藥行業(yè):輝瑞 拜耳醫(yī)藥 葛蘭素史克 諾華 羅氏 諾和諾德等
傳媒行業(yè):中央電視臺 中國國際廣播電臺 貝塔斯曼 湖南衛(wèi)視 愛德曼等
建筑行業(yè):中建集團諸多單位 海航置業(yè) 藍天組等諸多國外著名設計公司
汽車行業(yè):寶馬 大眾 現(xiàn)代/起亞 日產(chǎn) 奧迪等
時尚行業(yè):阿瑪尼 DIRK BIKKEMBERGS (DB) Kate Spade Fifth&Pacific Kering巴黎春天集團Pinault Printemps-Redoute 等
政府客戶:商務部 文化部 工信部 環(huán)保部 發(fā)改委 統(tǒng)計局 北京人力資源與社會保障局 聯(lián)合國開發(fā)計劃署 英國駐華大使 美國北卡羅萊納州州長 美國伊利諾伊州州長 澳大利亞墨爾本市市長  美國明尼蘇達州曼卡多市市長 北京市副市長等
2015.8.6           沃特世IVD LC-MS系統(tǒng)中國發(fā)布會 (同傳)
2015.8.4-5         美克家居2015年度中期研討會 (同傳)
2015.8.3           人工耳蝸植入研討會 (同傳)
2015.7.30-8.1      全球治理與開放型經(jīng)濟:G20智庫論壇2015 (同傳)
2015.723-24       第八屆中國商用車發(fā)展論壇 (同傳)
2015.7.20—22     2015 Create Change 設計論壇-信息交互設計論壇 (同傳)
2015.7.20         未來領袖青春使者-重走絲綢之路國際青年夏令營 (同傳)
2015.7.18         奧迪杯拜仁慕尼黑對戰(zhàn)瓦倫西亞發(fā)布會 (同傳)
2015.7.17-18      第四屆世界酒店聯(lián)盟大會暨第八屆世界酒店論壇 (同傳)
2015.7.15-16      青少年貴族禮儀精品培訓 (交傳)
2015.7.14         寶馬BMW 北區(qū)投資人及總經(jīng)理研討會 (同傳)
2015.7.10         美國MMA綜合格斗賽事WSOF落戶中國發(fā)布會 (同傳)
2015.7.8          中英農(nóng)業(yè)高新科技論壇 (同傳)
2015.7.6          聯(lián)合國教科文組織二類中心申報匯報會議 (同傳+交傳)
2015.6.30         華晨寶馬J11項目振興會 (同傳)
2015.6.27         第四屆全球智庫峰會-全球可持續(xù)發(fā)展:智庫的作用 (同傳)
2015.6.25         聯(lián)眾全資收購WPT新聞發(fā)布會 (交傳)
2015.6.23         2015匹克球星中國行發(fā)布會暨匹克3*3籃球賽揭幕式 (同傳)
2015.6.23         海牙關于經(jīng)由中間人持有證券的某些權利的法律適用公約 (同傳)
2015.6.15-18      2015雀巢環(huán)球亞太地區(qū)物流研討會 (同傳)
 2015.6.10-11       2015亞太新能源汽車國際峰會 (同傳)
2015.6.9          “化學讓生活更美好”2015國際化學品制造商協(xié)會“責任關懷”頒獎典禮暨公眾開放日閉幕儀式 (同傳)
2015.6.2          摩根大通2015新經(jīng)濟新市場中國全球金融峰會 (交傳)
2014.5.28         地方能源企業(yè)改革與發(fā)展圓桌會議 (同傳)
2015.5.24         班夫山地電影節(jié)北京站 (同傳)
2015.5.22         治療外周T細胞淋巴瘤普拉曲沙三期臨床研究研究者會 (同傳)
2015.5.21         政府關系與公共事務論壇 (同傳)
2015.5.19-20      第五屆露地蔬菜生產(chǎn)生態(tài)施肥策略國際研討會 (同傳)
2015.5.18         雀巢商學院NEXT培訓 (同傳)
2015.5.11-15      北京教育學院朝陽分院教師最佳實踐培訓 (交傳)
2015.5.4-8        雀巢亞大非地區(qū)供應鏈培訓 (同傳)
2015.4.29         IAI設計獎學術研討會 (交傳)
2015.4.23         2015中國SDN/NFV大會 (同傳)
2015.4.22         2015年各國機床協(xié)會會長會議 (交傳)
2015.4.21         森海塞爾耳機話筒專家70周年慶典 (交傳)
2015.4.20         第五屆北京國際電影節(jié)電影市場簽約儀式 (同傳)

2015.4.19         2015機床制造業(yè)CEO國際論壇 (同傳)
2015.4.17         GMIC 全球移動互聯(lián)網(wǎng)大會2015 “全球八站”啟動儀式暨新聞發(fā)布會 (同傳)
2015.4.16         華晨寶馬J11項目振興會 (同傳)
2015.4.15         治療外周T細胞淋巴瘤普拉曲沙二期臨床研究研究者會 (同傳)
2015.4.13-14      NEXT1雀巢第九組第七模塊供應鏈和信息系統(tǒng)培訓 (同傳)
2015.4.8          定福莊文化產(chǎn)業(yè)論壇 (同傳)
2015.3.31         中拉關系2015:超越互不?(同傳)
2015.3.28-29      35屆北京青少年科技創(chuàng)新大賽中外教師科技教育創(chuàng)新論壇 (同傳)
2015.3.27         瓦里安Edge放射外科新技術臨床醫(yī)用研討會 (同傳)
2015.3.26-27      中國醫(yī)藥設備工程協(xié)會2015年會 (同傳)
2015.3.24-25      Ormco Forum牙齒正畸-現(xiàn)在擁有正畸的未來 (同傳)
2015.3.19         2015雀巢大中華區(qū)最新情況介紹會東莞站 (同傳)
2015.3.16         2015雀巢大中華區(qū)最新情況介紹會廈門站 (同傳)
2015.3.10         泰達宏利基金管理公司董事會議 (同傳)
2015.3.6          騰訊與尼爾森商務會談 (同傳)
2015.3.5          華晨寶馬J11項目振興會 (同傳)
2015.3.3-4        2015雀巢大中華區(qū)最新情況介紹會北京&上海站 (同傳)
2015.2.14         江河幕墻年會 (同傳)
2015.2.5          2015中國鐵礦石年會 (同傳)
2015.2.3-4        阿瑪尼EA春夏新品培訓 (同傳)
2015.1.29-30      通向零的旅程-雀巢大中華區(qū)生產(chǎn)技術年會 (同傳)
2015. 1.21-22      1990-2015 美克集團25周年慶典2014年年會 (同傳)
2015.1.16         天津論壇 2015 城市產(chǎn)業(yè)布局調(diào)整與空間優(yōu)化 (同傳)
2015.1.13-14      奧美中國作煮未來 (同傳)
2015.1.7-8        摩納哥王妃御用品牌蘭嘉絲汀防曬系列新品發(fā)布 (同傳+交傳)
2014.12.27        鞍鋼集團公司首屆“騰飛杯”員工英語競賽決賽 (同傳)
2014.12.18        APEC區(qū)域電子艙單交換提高全球供應鏈效率項目高層研討會 (同傳)
2014.12.16        2014 超級電容器年度峰會 (交傳)
2014.12.15        第十一屆華德經(jīng)濟人物評選暨2014華德獎企業(yè)家公眾形象滿意度調(diào)查頒獎盛典 (同傳)
2014.12.10        聯(lián)合國糧農(nóng)組織國家規(guī)劃框架2012-2015中期回顧報告會 (同傳)
2014.12.9         2014中國3D技術與創(chuàng)意博覽會開幕式暨3D高峰論壇 (交傳)
2014.12.5         中國-澳大利亞空氣質(zhì)量科學與管理研究中心成立大會 (同傳)
2014.12.1         汽車互聯(lián)網(wǎng)大會 (同傳)

2014.11.27        山東省出口農(nóng)產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量安全示范省推介會 (同傳)
2014.11.25-26     生態(tài)金融的發(fā)展與未來-2014生態(tài)金融討論會暨中國人民大學生態(tài)金融研究中心成立儀式 (同傳)
2014.11.25        愛爾康白內(nèi)障屈光手術研討會 (交傳)
2014.11.22-24     北京芭蕾舞學院紀念建校60周年2014芭蕾舞系系列活動-國際芭蕾舞教育研討會 (同傳+交傳)
2014.11.21        促進中國參與全球生物醫(yī)藥研發(fā)體系圓桌會議 (同傳)
2014.11.20-21     雀巢管理者培訓第九期第六模塊市場營銷意識 (同傳)
2014.11.18        綠色金融工作組課題成果討論會 (同傳+交傳)
2014.11.15        2014 One Show 中華創(chuàng)意節(jié) (同傳)
2014.11.13-14     第二屆國際鐵路聯(lián)盟UIC中國鐵路高級管理及技術人員培訓 (交傳)
2014.11.4-6       2014食品包裝材料法規(guī)標準研討會 (同傳)
2014.10.30-11.1   清華大學美術學院工業(yè)設計系30周年慶國際設計研討會 (同傳)
2014.10.29       航空公司附加收入戰(zhàn)略研討會 (同傳)
2014.10.28       奧美世紀商務談判 (交傳)
2014.10.26-27    中國國際醫(yī)美抗衰老年會暨美容科技博覽會(同傳)
2014.10.25       國際創(chuàng)意與宏觀發(fā)展高峰論壇2014第十屆中國廣告論壇 (同傳)
2014.10.24       SYNC 2014 IT嘉年華 (同傳)
2014.10.23       華晨寶馬J11項目振興會 (同傳)
2014.10.22       大眾進口車核心投資人會議 (同傳)
2014.10.20-21    衛(wèi)生法學與生命倫理-研究前沿與最新進展 (同傳)
2014.10.19       致幸福-優(yōu)翔糖尿病干細胞療法專家開放日 (同傳)
2014.10.17-18    國際教師教育協(xié)會第三屆雙年會暨多元文化社會中的教師教育:機遇與挑戰(zhàn)國際學術研討會 (同傳)
2014.10.11-14    北京舞蹈學院建校六十周年紀念大會 (同傳)
2014.10.9        第十七屆IEEE智能交通系統(tǒng)國際會議 (同傳)
2014.9.26-28     交通工具設計論壇 (同傳)
2014.9.24        華晨寶馬J11項目振興會 (同傳)
2014.9.23        高等教育質(zhì)量保障--國際經(jīng)驗與中國探索 (同傳)
2014.9.19        全球化對世界的影響 (同傳)
2014.9.18        2014創(chuàng)新工廠投資人大會 (同傳)
2014.9.17        無線世界技術研討會 (同傳)
2014.9.16        沙特阿拉伯電力公司中國路演 (同傳)
2014.9.12        電動方程式賽車晚會 (同傳)
2014.9.12        IDC高管圓桌會議-IT領袖展望未來: 亞洲金融服務領域的技術應用 (同傳)
2014.9.11        2014哈爾濱世界農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展論壇 (同傳)
2014.9.10        第二十七屆IAOPA世界會員大會暨第四屆中國低空經(jīng)濟論壇 (同傳)
2014.9.5         陽獅廣告東風雷諾汽車筆稿 (同傳)
2014.9.4         第七屆亞洲酒店論壇國際酒店投資峰會 (同傳)
2014.9.1-3        2014雀巢乳制品研討會 (同傳)
2014.8.28-29     “中影巴可之夏”中國北京第十一屆數(shù)字電影論壇 (同傳)
2014.8.21        NOI+ICSC中國資產(chǎn)管理研討會 (同傳)
2014.8.18        諾維信酶發(fā)酵工藝戰(zhàn)略優(yōu)化會議 (同傳)
2014.8.14-15     雀巢NEXT第八期第七模塊市場營銷培訓 (同傳)
2014.8.11-12     2014北京TechCrunch 國際創(chuàng)新峰會 (同傳)
2014.8.8         2014APEC廣告行為規(guī)范峰會暨自律能力建設研討會 (同傳)
2014.8.3-5       13屆亞太地區(qū)超長兒童發(fā)展與教育國際學術研討會 (同傳)
2014.8.1         雀巢大中華區(qū)供應鏈部門培訓 (同傳)
2014.7.31        華晨寶馬集團質(zhì)量管理中心J11項目振興會 (同傳)
2014.7.30        Maxwell科技公司超級電容器2014中國媒體發(fā)布會 (交傳)
2014.7.27-29     雀巢大中華區(qū)供應鏈部門培訓 (同傳)
2014.7.25        子宮內(nèi)膜異位癥專家顧問會 (同傳)
2014.7.22        蘇里南共和國主權信用等級新聞發(fā)布會 (同傳)
2014.7.17         申舒斯智能表測系統(tǒng)技術研討會 (同傳)
2014.7.15&16    2014阿瑪尼秋冬裝培訓 (同傳)
2014.7.10        2014年雀巢流通食品零售全國大會-新現(xiàn)狀新開始 (同傳)
2014.7.8         漢斯格雅國際衛(wèi)浴經(jīng)銷商培訓 (同傳)
2014.7.3         華晨寶馬集團質(zhì)量管理中心J11項目振興會 (同傳)
2014.6.27        IDC Financial Insights 高管圓桌會議:新一輪亞洲金融服務創(chuàng)新浪潮:業(yè)務運營模式的變革 (同傳)
2014.6.25        超越數(shù)字化-尼古拉斯尼葛洛龐帝對話百度百家自媒體 (同傳)
2014.6.24        儲能國際峰會2014-先進儲能技術需求及解決方案 (同傳)
2014.6.19        2014潤英聯(lián)潤滑油趨勢-行業(yè)驅(qū)動力 (同傳)
2014.6.18        打造合作升級版 共圓中非復興夢 (同傳)
2014.6.17        環(huán)境污染責任保險政策國際研討會-利用環(huán)境污染責任保險強化企業(yè)環(huán)境責任 (同傳)
2014.6.16        欣泰第九屆杰出華商大會-華商資本論壇暨資本項目對接會 (同傳)
2014.6.13        國際學術研討會-可視化超聲技術 (同傳)
2014.6.11        新興經(jīng)濟體的可持續(xù)幸福發(fā)展指標研究:以中國為例 (同傳)
2014.6.6         第八屆中國企業(yè)國際融資洽談會-科技國際融資洽談會ACG企業(yè)成長論壇 (同傳)
2014.6.4         美國《海外賬戶納稅法案》發(fā)布會 (交傳)
2014.5.31        中美學生領袖會議 (同傳)
2014.5.30        中國強制使用兒童乘員用約束系統(tǒng)可行性研究成果發(fā)布會 (同傳)
2014.5.29        萬博宣偉大中華區(qū)健康藥品部門總裁專題訪問 (交傳)
2014.5.28        中國驅(qū)動執(zhí)行力-通過能力建設,系統(tǒng)支持和執(zhí)行推動實現(xiàn)并持久捕獲價值 (同傳)
2014.5.24        21世紀醫(yī)院院長峰會-發(fā)現(xiàn)最佳醫(yī)療實踐 (同傳)
  2014.5.23        第十八屆中國東西部合作與投資貿(mào)易洽談會暨絲綢之路國際博覽會-農(nóng)業(yè)合作專題論壇 (同傳)
  2014.5.21-22     中國光網(wǎng)絡研討會暨中國FTTH論壇 (同傳)
2014.5.20        大公成立二十周年慶典暨信用教育聯(lián)盟發(fā)起成立新聞發(fā)布會(同傳)
2014.5.20        Gartner 3D打印技術工作坊 (交傳)
2014.5.19        第一屆世界戲劇教育大會暨第三屆亞洲戲劇院校大學生 劇節(jié) (同傳)
2014.5.15        麥肯錫“卓越理賠在中國”路演 (同傳)
2014.5.15        2014中銀全球私募領袖峰會 (同傳)
2014.5.14        中歐供熱大會-熱泵技術專場 (同傳)
2014.5.13        2014年亞太區(qū)企業(yè)架構暨數(shù)據(jù)中心高峰論壇 (同傳)
2014.5.8         華語世界首席心靈作家張德芬北京保潔工作坊 (同傳)
2014.5.7         2014第十五屆中國國際天然氣汽車,加氣站設備高峰
2014.4.27        中國國際物流發(fā)展大會 (同傳)
2014.4.23&24    中國SDN/NFV研討會 (同傳)
2014.4.21        2014汽車設計大獎 (同傳)
2014.4.18        環(huán)球大使文化論壇暨環(huán)球時報五周年紀念 (同傳)
2014.4.17        第四屆北京國際電影節(jié)-中東歐電影市場北京推介會 (同傳)
2014.4.16        第八屆中國企業(yè)跨國投資研討會-中國煤炭企業(yè)國際化研討會 (同傳)
2014.4.14        風險投資孵化器國際化創(chuàng)新高峰研討會 (同傳)
2014.4.11        IDC反“不正當競爭”白皮書發(fā)布會 (同傳)
2014.4.1         天然氣分布式能源及余熱利用專題報告會 (同傳)
2014.3.26&27    中英首屆實驗動物福利倫理國際論壇 (同傳)
2014.3.25        華泰集團與股東ACE控股增持商務談判 (同傳)
2014.3.22       Halo 2024——""干細胞用青春迎接下一個十年美容大會 (同傳)
2014.3.21        321新領軍者年會 (同傳)
2014.3.6—9      2014大眾進口經(jīng)銷商伙伴會議 (同傳)
2014.2.25—26    2014中國鐵礦石會議 (同傳)
2014.2.12        中國-匈牙利經(jīng)貿(mào)論壇 (同傳)
2014.1.26        江河幕墻2013年度總結工作會議 (同傳)
2014.1.23—24   “通向零的旅程”- 雀巢大中華區(qū)生產(chǎn)技術年會 (同傳)
2014.1.22        科勒曼戶外公司年會 (同傳)
2014.1.21        迪斯尼與北京市人力資源社會保障局研討會 (交傳)
2014.1.17        艾瑪?shù)纤姑襟w見面會 (交傳)
2014.1.16        2013國際旅游年會暨“艾里緹斯”獎頒獎盛典 (同傳)
2014.1.10&13     大眾汽車(中國)銷售有限公司大眾汽車品牌2014年第一季度經(jīng)銷商大會 (同傳)
2014.1.9         寶潔空氣凈化器項目調(diào)研 (耳語同傳)
2013.12.11       首席經(jīng)濟學家道格拉斯麥克威廉姆斯中國經(jīng)濟預測發(fā)布會
2013.12.7      北京大學中澳高層對話 (同傳)
2013.12.5      北京舞蹈學院社區(qū)舞蹈工作坊 (交傳)
2013.12.2      第四期添寧優(yōu)質(zhì)護理學院養(yǎng)老機構優(yōu)質(zhì)護理建設研討會 (同
2013.11.29     798 尤倫斯EARS北京之耳音樂產(chǎn)業(yè)研討會 (同傳)
2013.11.27     藝與腦--藝術管理思考 中央美術學院藝術管理學系成立十
周年國際研討會 (同傳)
2013.11.22     北斗應用產(chǎn)業(yè)國際化發(fā)展精英對話 (同傳)
2013.11.21     2013百度moments營銷盛宴 (同傳)
2013.11.21     第九屆中歐工商峰會 (同傳)
2013.11.20     2013設備工程監(jiān)理國際合作論壇 (同傳)
2013.11.19     整合營銷傳播之父百度營銷研究院演講 (交傳)
2013.11.18     東亞合作論壇 (同傳)
2013.11.15     中國煤工業(yè)綠色機遇研討會 (同傳)
2013.11.14     雀巢第五期供應鏈培訓 (同傳)
2013.11.12—13 第二屆中國智慧機場發(fā)展論壇 (同傳)
2013.11.6—7   美銀美林2013中國投資峰會 (同傳)
2013.11.5      2013中國3D技術與創(chuàng)意博覽會開幕式暨3D專題研討會 (同傳)
2013.10.29     未來5G信息通信技術峰會 (同傳)
2013.10.26     20屆中國國際廣告節(jié)-國際廣告創(chuàng)意發(fā)展趨勢論壇 (同傳)
2013.10.24—25電動汽車科技創(chuàng)新國際論壇 (同傳)
2013.10.23     昇輝深圳服裝公司青島分公司商業(yè)道德與合規(guī)培訓 (同傳)
2013.10.18     胡潤百富周年慶典•企業(yè)家峰會 (同傳)
2013.7.17—18  阿瑪尼2013-2014冬春新品發(fā)布培訓 (同傳)
2013.7.8—10   電動汽車技術發(fā)展年會 (同傳)
2013.7.2       中歐文化產(chǎn)業(yè)研討會 (同傳)
2013.7.1       大眾汽車經(jīng)銷商培訓會議 (同傳)
2013.6.26—27  2013美容整形抗衰老年會 (同傳)
2013.6.19—20  中非文化產(chǎn)業(yè)圓桌會議 (同傳)
2013.6.5—6    2013光網(wǎng)絡年會 (同傳)
2013.5.29—30  雀巢通往零售之路培訓會議 (同傳)
2013.5.27      第三期添寧優(yōu)質(zhì)護理學院養(yǎng)老機構優(yōu)質(zhì)護理建設研討會(同傳)
2013.5.22—23  玻璃深加工研討會 (同傳)
2013.5.18—20  奧美麗江創(chuàng)意工作坊 (同傳)
2013.5.15      青島五百強招商引資洽談會(同傳)
2013.5.13—14  奧美成都全球董事會議 (同傳)
2013.5.9       艾瑪?shù)纤谷蚍咒N系統(tǒng)GDS發(fā)布會(交傳)
2013.5.8       Gartner與央視大數(shù)據(jù)商務談判(交傳)
2013.4.26      奧美品牌大理想工作坊 (同傳)
2013.4.24—25  2013中國SDN軟件定義網(wǎng)絡大會(同傳)
2013.4.22—23  寶潔公司幫寶適項目座談會(同傳)
2013.4.18—20  新意義,新途徑:社區(qū)舞蹈和舞蹈教育研討會(同傳)
2013.4.16—17  寶潔幫寶適項目座談會(同傳)
2013.4.14      弗吉尼亞州州長麥克唐納宴請中石油、中石化、中海油(交傳)
2013.4.12      鄭州金水區(qū)區(qū)情介紹大會(同傳)
2013.4.11      2013創(chuàng)新工廠年會(同傳)
2013.4.10      寶潔公司口腔護理座談會(同傳)
2013.4.8—9    中歐供熱大會集中供熱專場(同傳)
2013.4.2       艾瑪?shù)纤谷蚍咒N系統(tǒng)媒體見面會(交傳)
2013.3.28      微軟原創(chuàng)應用大賽總決賽 (同傳)
  2013.3.27      2013(第八屆)中國證券投資基金業(yè)年會(同傳)
2013.3.23      糖尿病干細胞療法開放日世界糖尿病技術最新進展交流會 (同傳)
2013.3.21—22  奧美One Day Away 全球高管培訓會議 (同傳)
2013.3.18      通用電氣工業(yè)內(nèi)窺鏡研討會 (交傳)
2013.3.14    雀巢第八期 模塊三 營養(yǎng)、健康、幸福生活 培訓 (同傳)
2013.3.12—13  阿瑪尼春夏新品發(fā)布會 (同傳)
2013.3.11      寶潔洗衣產(chǎn)品研討會 (同傳)
2013.3.6—8    寶潔紙品研討會 (同傳)
2013.3.1       微軟ISU 2013財年年會抓住機會 (同傳)
2013.2.27      投資斯洛伐克論壇 (同傳)
2013.2.25      美國科技資產(chǎn)收購的成功戰(zhàn)略與經(jīng)驗:近期交易透視 (同傳)
2013.2.5       江河幕墻年會 (同傳)
2013.1.31      寶潔公司洗衣產(chǎn)品研討會 (同傳)
2013.1.21      雀巢怡養(yǎng)蛋白粉發(fā)布會 (同傳)
2013.1.10—12  海航集團2013年工作會議 (同傳)
2013.1.8       第八屆北京國際印刷技術展覽會國際媒體周 (同傳)
2013.1. 6       第十屆中國文化產(chǎn)業(yè)新年論壇 (同傳)
2012.12.7      亦莊經(jīng)濟技術開發(fā)去周年慶典 (交傳)
2012.12.6      雀巢深圳ICP大會 (同傳)
2012.12.5      微軟技術大會云計算 (同傳)
2012.12.3—4   寶潔博朗男士剃須刀采訪 (同傳)
2012.11.30     寶潔洗衣用品采訪 (同傳)
2012.11.28     第二期添寧優(yōu)質(zhì)護理學院養(yǎng)老機構優(yōu)質(zhì)護理建設研討會(同傳)
2012.11.27     疾病感染控制探討會選擇正確的手套 (同傳)
2012.11.23     中英能源論壇潮汐能研討會 (同傳)
2012.11.22     寶潔洗發(fā)水項目座談會 (同傳)
2012.11.12—16 雀巢衛(wèi)生工程培訓 (同傳)
2012.11.9—10  中國汽車技術安全國際論壇 (同傳)
2012.11.08     第四屆澳大利亞礦產(chǎn)資源投資論壇 (同傳)
2012.11.06     孟山都大中華區(qū)年會 (同傳)
2012.11.05     愛馬蒂斯IT系統(tǒng)中國區(qū)總裁專訪 (交傳)    
2012.11.01     百度點石成金營銷盛宴 (同傳)
2012.10.31     雀巢市場營銷研討會 (同傳)
2012.10.25     2012藥品標準化法規(guī)論壇(同傳)
2012.10.24     2012寶潔亞洲論壇 (同傳)
2012.10.23     2012(第六屆)中國CEO年會 (同傳)
2012.10.17—18 2012中國Small Cell 高峰會議 (同傳)
2012.10.10     2012肉類食品產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略大會暨中國肉類產(chǎn)業(yè)與職業(yè)教育對話活動 (同傳)
2012.9.26      民政部慈善組織座談會:發(fā)展與規(guī)制 (同傳)
2012.9.25      2012世界避孕日發(fā)布會 (交傳)
2012.9.24      2012年全球新媒體與社會公益峰會北京論壇 (同傳)
2012.9.19—21  雀巢大中華區(qū)NEXT人力資源培訓研討會(同傳)
2012.9.17—18  廈門銀鷺品牌營銷培訓會 (同傳)
2012.9.11—16  廈門銀鷺VSED價值流規(guī)劃評估研討會 (同傳)
2012.9.8—9    中購聯(lián)第十屆年會亞洲購物中心研討會 (同傳)
2012.9.6       2012中日商務合作洽談暨IT創(chuàng)新技術專題論壇 (同傳)
2012.8.29      中國東盟非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)保護研討會 (同傳)
2012.8.28      寶潔新品包裝研討會 (同傳)
2012.8.23—24  2012中國國際藥品安全峰會藥物警戒學與藥品安全研究 (同傳)
2012.8.20—21  領導力與追隨者研討會 (同傳)
2012.8.14—16  廈門銀鷺BEP品牌營銷研討會 (同傳)
2012.8.9       鎳鉻錳硅國際化工市場研討會 (同傳)
2012.8.6       寶潔油品戰(zhàn)略合作談判 (交傳)
2012.8.1       聯(lián)想與EMC戰(zhàn)略聯(lián)盟發(fā)布會 (同傳)
2012.7.30      印度尼西亞基礎設施建設投資論壇 (同傳)
2012.7.23—26  喬治阿瑪尼秋冬新品發(fā)布 (同傳)
2012.7.12—13  電動汽車科技創(chuàng)新國際論壇 (同傳)
2012.7.10      麥肯錫塘沽房地產(chǎn)商務談判 (交傳)
2012.7.5—6    2012綠色增塑劑國際化工論壇 (同傳)
2012.6.21      PCB電子印刷板技術論壇 (同傳)
2012.6.19—20  2012國際醫(yī)療美容與抗衰老年會 (同傳)
2012.6.18      諾和諾德中國制藥有限公司職業(yè)道德審計會議 (交傳)
2012.6.13—15  2012全球化工替代原料高峰論壇(同傳)
2012.6.12       國際綠色建筑、低碳生態(tài)城市規(guī)劃大會 (同傳)
2012.6.7—8     諾和諾德中國制藥有限公司集團內(nèi)部審計會議 (交傳)
2012.6.6        奧美人力資源培訓研討會 (同傳)
2012.5.30—31  光網(wǎng)絡年會光纖到戶論壇OPTINET CHINA(同傳)
2012.5.28      2012機構有限合伙人聯(lián)合會中國行之有限合伙人專題研討會 (同傳)
2012.5.26—27  第四屆大連國際經(jīng)濟論壇 (同傳)
2012.5.22      養(yǎng)老機構優(yōu)質(zhì)護理建設研討會 (同傳)
2012.5.20      國際醫(yī)院建設年會循證設計與規(guī)劃 (同傳)
2012.5.17      工業(yè)設計大師艾斯林格大師中國行媒體發(fā)布會 (同傳)
2012.5.9       第七屆AIR北京巨災風險模型技術研討會 (同傳)
2012.4.26      Check Point 多層次的網(wǎng)絡安全威脅防御 (同傳)
2012.4.25      華爾街日報解讀中國經(jīng)濟指標 (同傳)
2012.4.22      東風汽車最佳經(jīng)銷商答謝會 (同傳)
2012.4.19—20  APEAR亞太員工幫助圓桌會議 (同傳)
2012.4.17      2012亞洲反壟斷論壇 (同傳)
2012.4.16      寶潔大中華區(qū)新品投放研討會 (同傳)
2012.4.10      東莞徐福記市場營銷培訓會議 (同傳)
2012.4.5       中歐供熱大會 (同傳)
2012.3.30      綠色建筑設計理論、技術與實踐 (同傳)
2012.3.26—27  2012廈門銀鷺營銷培訓 (同傳)
2012.3.21      2012雀巢大中華區(qū)經(jīng)銷商年會 (同傳)
2012.3.6—9    2012雀巢大中華區(qū)最新情況介紹會 (同傳)
2012.2.28—29  中國鐵礦石大會 (同傳)
2012.2.22—23  非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)保護國際信息交流會 (同傳)
2012.2.14—15  阿瑪尼春夏新品發(fā)布培訓會 (同傳)
2012.2.8       惠譽主權債務危機說明會 (同傳)
2012.1.9—10   第三屆煤制合成天然氣技術經(jīng)濟研討會2012 (同傳)
2011.12.21—22 寶潔護膚產(chǎn)品消費者研討會 (同傳)
2011.12.19—20 鄭州新區(qū)白沙綠波組團國際設計公司方案匯報會 (同傳)
2011.12.13—15 英偉達GPU亞洲站 (同傳)
2011.12.9      寶潔市場洗衣產(chǎn)品消費者研討會 (同傳)
2011.12.7—8   中國創(chuàng)投暨私募股權投資2011峰會 (同傳)
2011.12.3      電子消費產(chǎn)品市場調(diào)研 (同傳)
2011.12.1      2011地下水污染與水系統(tǒng)安全國際會議 (同傳)
2011.11.29     中國-國際自貿(mào)區(qū)國家(地區(qū))投資貿(mào)易合作研討會 (交傳)
2011.11.21—24 應用認知研究中心人力資源培訓 (同傳)
2011.11.19—20中國貴金屬再生國際研討會 (同傳)
2011.11.12     世界建筑史教學與研究國際研討會 (同傳)
2011.11.10—11 2011第二屆中國國際氣體能源峰會 (同傳)
2011.11.9      柏林愛樂中國大劇院發(fā)布會 (交傳)
2011.11.3      2011中國無線世界暨物聯(lián)網(wǎng)大會 (同傳)
2011.11.2      國內(nèi)總承包商在海外承包工程的困境利用國際建筑規(guī)則保護自己 (同傳)
2011.10.31—11.1國際健身協(xié)會IHRSA中國管理論壇 (同傳)
2011.10.25—27 國際信息安全學術研討會 (同傳)
2011.10.21     朝陽區(qū)外籍人員座談會 (交傳)
2011.10.18—20 ANGVA2011天然氣汽車峰會 (同傳)
2011.10.10—11鄭州新區(qū)白沙、綠博組團(中牟新城)核心區(qū)城市設計方案國際征集會 (同傳)
2011.9.28—29  2011智能電網(wǎng)世界論壇 (同傳)
2011.9.22—23  2011國際船東及服務年會 (同傳)
2011.9.19—20 第六屆中國城鎮(zhèn)水務發(fā)展國際研討會 (同傳)
2011.9.15     2011朝陽區(qū)CBD商務節(jié) (同傳)
2011.9.8—13  非洲國家姐妹城市締結大會,埃及開羅(同傳)
2011.9.5—6   2011中國清潔燃料高峰論壇 (同傳)
2011.8.26     2011河南省承接產(chǎn)業(yè)和技術轉(zhuǎn)移合作交流洽談會暨跨國公司對話會(同傳)
2011.8.20     岷山礦業(yè)與澳大利亞鸚鵡螺礦業(yè)公司商務談判 (交傳)
2011.8.11—13第二屆世界城市科學發(fā)展論壇 (同傳)
2011.7.25     2011小水電發(fā)展研討會 (同傳)
2011.7.20     新能源汽車燃料研討會 (交傳)
2011.7.12     2011微峰會 (同傳)
2011.6.29     2011環(huán)青海湖自行車賽 (同傳)
2011.6.23     2011年中國鋼鐵可持續(xù)發(fā)展國際峰會 (同傳)
2011.6.22     利樂公司供應商答謝會議(同傳)
2011.6.21     中英低碳技術轉(zhuǎn)移合作論壇 (同傳)
2011.6.16     職業(yè)教育國際合作研討會 (同傳)
2011.6.15     山西省事業(yè)單位改革:理念、實踐、挑戰(zhàn)和前景國際研討會 (同傳)
2011.6.11—12  長江商學院MBA課程創(chuàng)造與創(chuàng)新研討會 (同傳)
2011.6.8—9    社會住房和可支付性住房國際研討會暨中國保障性住房與住宅產(chǎn)業(yè)現(xiàn)代化高峰論壇 (同傳)
2011.5.30—31  亞洲公共行政改革研討會暨亞洲公共行政網(wǎng)絡第一次會議 (同傳)
2011.5.29      第二屆中國大連國際經(jīng)濟論壇 (同傳)
2011.5.24—26  南方化學“定義未來”會議石化專場 (同傳)
2011.5.19—20  第六屆亞洲戲劇教育研究國際論壇 (同傳)
2011.5.8—16   聯(lián)合國減災署世界重建大會,日內(nèi)瓦(同傳)
2011.4.28—30  “中國文學海外傳播”國際學術研討會 (同傳)
2011.4.23      美國投資移民發(fā)布會 (交傳)
2011.4.21      第四屆(天津)國際軟件測試大會 (同傳)
2011.4.20      第七屆城市軌道交通國際峰會 (同傳)
2011.4.15      2011年全球電子采購圓桌論壇全球電子商務發(fā)展與電子發(fā)票應用研討會 (同傳)
2011.4.14      新能源與低碳技術研討會 (同傳)
2011.4.7—8    2011第二屆中國綠色染料與汽車峰會 (同傳)
2011.3.29      美國能源部綠色建筑遠景與技術的結合 (同傳)
2011.3.28     德國環(huán)境部新建建筑項目結題會(同傳)
2011.3.23—24  2011中國鐵礦石國際峰會(同傳)
2011.3.20       中日醫(yī)藥管理 (同傳)
2011.3.15—16  亞洲碼頭營運商大會(同傳)
2011.3.7—8    山水文苑集團績效管理系統(tǒng)培訓 (同傳)
2011.3.3       中歐供熱大會 (同傳)
2011.2.22      中國節(jié)能減排碳交易機制研討會 (同傳)
2011.1.29      江河幕墻年會 (同傳)
2011.1.18      吉列風隱剃須刀市場調(diào)研 (耳語同傳)
2010.12.26     寶潔公司玉蘭油潤膚露新品發(fā)布 (同傳)
2010.12.17    中國石油和化學工業(yè)聯(lián)合會加入國際化工協(xié)會聯(lián)合會簽字儀式(同傳)
2010.12.16      維薩拉國防氣象應用研討會 (同傳)
2010.12.14      甲骨文年會——core java 平臺 (同傳)
2010.12.08      日用即道——2010國際漆藝展暨國際研討會(同傳)
2010.11.29—12.2亞洲清潔煤高峰論壇聚焦中國 (同傳)
2010.11.18      藍牙技術發(fā)布會 (交傳)
2010.11.16—17  2010中國礦業(yè)大會 (同傳)
2010.11.10      2010公益事業(yè)與彩票產(chǎn)業(yè)國際學術研討會 (同傳)
2010.11.5       和諧家庭高峰論壇 (同傳)
2010.11.4       2010年國際舞臺美術教育論壇 (同傳)
2010.11.3       松下HR人才管理研討會 (同傳)
2010.11.1       教育國際化與領導力建設國際論壇 (同傳)
2010.10.27      2010綠色大學建設國際研討會 (同傳)
2010.10.19—20  第五期中瑞企業(yè)社會責任培訓 (同傳)
2010.10.16      電影榜中榜頒獎晚會與王朝葡萄酒三十周年慶典 (同傳)
2010.10.13—15  6屆世界多媒體與互聯(lián)網(wǎng)峰會 (同傳)
2010.10.11      Sedex會員大會 (同傳)
2010.9.30       北京農(nóng)業(yè)集團股東會議 (交傳)
2010.9.28       中國建筑材料集團商務談判 (交傳)
2010.9.27       中國新能源及太陽能發(fā)展狀況與投資機會 (同傳)
2010.9.26       第二屆北京國際太陽能光伏會議 (同傳)
2010.9.19       聯(lián)合國減災戰(zhàn)略助理秘書長北京訪問 (交傳)
2010.9.16       2010中國國際包裝飲用水峰會(同傳)
2010.9.13       DEVNET商務談判 (交傳)
2010.9.10—11   世界城市科學發(fā)展論壇 (同傳)
2010.8.26       國際桃、梨、杏水果罐頭大會 (同傳)
2010.8.12—15   商業(yè)談判技巧北京研討會 (同傳)
2010.8.7—10    貝克曼銷售技巧培訓 (同傳)
2010.7.28       國家開發(fā)銀行投融資洽談會 (交傳)
2010.7.22—23   國際果蔬汁大會 (同傳)
2010.7.7        美國俄亥俄州立大學校長專訪 (交傳)
2010.7.6        第四屆中國交通安全國際研討會 (同傳)
2010.6.29—30   寶潔公司幫寶適市場調(diào)研 (耳語)
2010.6.22—23   2010城市發(fā)展與規(guī)劃國際大會 (同傳)
2010.6.21       孟山都蔬菜事業(yè)部代理商頒獎晚會 (同傳)
2010.6.17       寶潔公司男士剃須刀研討會 (耳語)
2010.6.8—10    意大利飾品Breil—珠寶與手表市場調(diào)研 (耳語)
2010.6.7        玉蘭油沐浴乳圓桌會談 (同傳)
2010.6.2—3     第八屆中國玻璃深加工研討會 (同傳)
2010.5.30       火箭隊鉆石級前鋒斯科拉中華世紀壇媒體見面會 (同傳)
2010.5.25       東西味道高峰對話 (同傳)
2010.5.21       藍天組與杭州規(guī)劃局商務會談 (交傳)
2010.5.20       英國《金融時報》青島國際金融高峰論壇 (同傳)
2010.5.18       中國唐山---東盟投資合作對接會 (同傳)
2010.5.7        節(jié)能減排政策實施成效評估與展望國際研討會 (同傳)
2010.5.6         索羅斯對話清華大學 (同傳)
2010.4.27        巴西石油公司商務接洽 (交傳)
2010.4.22—23    2010智能電網(wǎng)中國峰會 (同傳)
2010.4.18        藍天組大連規(guī)劃局投標會 (交傳)
2010.4.16        第二屆紅薯之路國際論壇 (同傳)
2010.4.15        2010第三屆國際食品安全高峰論壇 (同傳)
2010.3.30        第六屆國際綠色建筑與綠色建筑節(jié)能大會 (同傳)
2010.3.25        突發(fā)公共衛(wèi)生事件與媒體應對論壇 (同傳)
2010.3.23—24    商業(yè)談判策略管理北京國際研討會 (同傳)
2010.3.11        2010中歐供熱大會 (同傳)
2010.3.10      2010北京建筑裝飾設計暨國際浴室流行趨勢論壇(同傳)
2010.1.28        鄂爾多斯市政府與藍天組就工業(yè)博物館設計
進行商務談判 (交傳)
2010.1.21        YABUPUSHELBERG建筑公司商務談判 (交傳)
2010.1.11        Centrotherm 多晶硅技術研討會招標 (交傳)
2010.1.9         唐山投資環(huán)境暨重點項目推介會  (同傳)
2009.12.29      世界城市科學發(fā)展論壇發(fā)布會 (交傳)
2009.12.8        非凡贏佳公關公司與外方客戶商務談判 (交傳)
2009.12.1        給排水圓桌討論會 (同傳)
2009.11.30      第四屆中國城鎮(zhèn)水務發(fā)展國際研討會與技術設備展覽會暨中國城鎮(zhèn)供水排水協(xié)會2009年年會 (同傳)
2009.11.24—25 第二屆中國服務貿(mào)易大會 (同傳)
2009.11.18      跨國企業(yè)在中國論壇 (同傳)
2009.11.17      國際低碳與生態(tài)經(jīng)濟高層論壇 (同傳)
2009.11.13      西門子新品發(fā)布投標 (交傳)
2009.11.11      寶潔口腔健康論壇 (同傳)
2009.11.8       舞動無界—中外現(xiàn)代舞創(chuàng)作作品首映暨論壇(同傳)
2009.11.7       2009塑料產(chǎn)業(yè)國際論壇 (同傳)
2009.10.31—1  北京大學第七屆景觀設計學教育大會暨2009中國景觀設計師大會                    (同傳)
2009.10.28—29 國際紡織品專業(yè)護理亞洲論壇 (同傳)
2009.10.26     在全球市場時代成為世界知名健康科學中心:體制努力和學術人才的促進政策              (同傳)
2009.10.21—22 2009大規(guī)模風電并網(wǎng)國際研討會 (同傳)
2009.10.16—18 2009國際交互設計大會 (同傳)
2009.10.15    清潔高效燃煤發(fā)電技術協(xié)作網(wǎng)2009年會 (同傳)
2009.10.13    中美化學工程聯(lián)合會議 (同傳)
2009.10.10     Vestas 風能會議 (交傳)
2009.9.27    國合會城市發(fā)展與節(jié)能的政策研究課題組第五次會議(同傳)
2009.9.24     2009亞洲生物技術商務對接會 (同傳)
2009.9.22     安踏設計師沙龍 (交傳)
2009.9.16     設計大師普瑞克斯大連理工大學演講 (交傳)
2009.9.12     深圳規(guī)劃館與博物館三期方案匯報 (交傳)
2009.9.11     大連造船廠與藍天組接洽 (交傳)
2009.9.10     藍天組與大連市規(guī)劃局談判 (交傳)
2009.9.9      大連達沃斯會議 (交傳)
2009.9.4—5  生物制品質(zhì)量管理與標簽發(fā)國際研討會 (同傳)
2009.8.23    第三屆國際地質(zhì)公園發(fā)展研討會 (同傳)
2009.8.10    Globalspec討論會(同傳)
2009.7.23    寶潔公司市場調(diào)研(耳語同傳)
2009.7.16     AMD與麒麟游戲公司商務談判(交傳)
2009.7.1      危機中的變局:新興國家,新興產(chǎn)業(yè),新興市場,新華社
2009.6.22     澳大利亞海皇,鸚鵡螺就硫化物礦與岷山談判 (交傳)
2009.6.18     從英國登陸歐洲市場,約克恒勃大區(qū)發(fā)展署 (同傳)
  2009.6.13      2009中國民辦高校畢業(yè)生競爭力研討會,新華社 (同傳)
  2009.6.10—11  索尼愛立信市場研究會議 (耳語同傳)
2009.6.1      中國戰(zhàn)略管理研究會會長鄭必堅接見美國國務卿希拉里助理(釣魚臺國賓館交傳)
2009.5.27—28   2009北京國際中國當代藝術理論批評研討會(同傳)
2009.5.22—23  2009中國科博會 (同傳)
2009.5.21        2009特高壓輸電技術國際會議 (同傳)
2009.5.11—12    2009上海國際玻璃深加工大會  (同傳)
2009.4.29—30    商務部服務貿(mào)易補貼相關規(guī)則研討會  (同傳)
  2009.4.23        2009第二屆(天津)國際軟件測試大會 (同傳)
  2009.4.16        第二屆中歐國際生物技術產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展創(chuàng)新論壇 (同傳)
  2009.3.25        華輝國際運輸公司財務董事會 (交傳)
2009.3.18—19    低碳城市建設國際論壇 低碳、能源、環(huán)境 (同傳)
  2009.3.11—13    海皇與河南岷山礦業(yè)集團股權投資談判  (交傳)
2009.2.21—23    奧地利商會商務談判  (交傳)
2009.2.16        IT技術國際安全論壇 IT、信息安全  (同傳)
  2009.1.16       乳品安全國際論壇  (同傳)
  2008.12.28      柯克佩德森都市印象畫展今日美術館開幕式致辭 (交傳)
  2008.12.15—17    ;逝c河南岷山礦業(yè)集團股權投資談判  (交傳)
  2008.12.08         開發(fā)銀行鄭州支行融資會議  (交傳)
  2008.11.28         SRP與中國連鎖協(xié)會商務會談  (交傳)
  2008.11.26         海外企業(yè)聯(lián)合會商務接洽  (交傳)
  2008.11.25         英國大使館代辦招待英國代表團晚宴  (交傳)
  2008.11.24         SRP與中國中小型企業(yè)協(xié)調(diào)中心商務會談 (交傳)
2008.11.17—20     VogueSelf雜志總裁會議  (同傳)
  2008.11.15          Neptune與河南岷山礦業(yè)集團談判  (交傳)
  2008.11.11—13     中國國際礦業(yè)大會  (同傳)
  2008.10.28—29     國際風景園林學術報告  (同傳)
2008.10.26—27     第二屆國際文化產(chǎn)業(yè)論壇  (同傳)
2008.10.17—20     中國國際版權年會  (同傳)
  2008.10.14         電網(wǎng)與清潔能源技術論壇  (同傳)
  2008.10.09          建筑產(chǎn)業(yè)促進節(jié)能減排國際研討會  (同傳)
  2008.09.06—27   Vestas公司SAP軟件培訓 (交傳)
2008.08.06—24     奧運會期間中國移動駐奧林匹克公園翻譯(交傳)
  2008.07.05         北京工業(yè)大學教育論壇 (同傳)
  2008.06.15         北京華耐建材集團與美國尤因管理集團投融資會議
2008.06.04         法國DMC公司和伊真坊公司商務談判(交傳)
  2008.05.29          國際航道協(xié)會2008年會 (同傳)
  2008.03—至今        北京市朝陽區(qū)第一看守所
2008.04              北京大學醫(yī)學部研討會 (同傳)
2008.04              法國芳香雜志與中國香料香精化妝品工業(yè)協(xié)會采訪
2008.01              企業(yè)社會責任研討會 (同傳)
2007.12              7屆企業(yè)社會責任論壇 (耳語同傳)
2007.09              北京電視臺《500強在北京》 (同傳)
  1. 中國科技館國際顧問委員會交流會議 (同傳)
  1. 2007國際綠色建筑論壇  (同傳)
2007.07             北京洪雨防水技術有限公司  (同傳)
2007.03             百利文儀集團(中國)有限公司與空中客車 (同傳)
2007.01             北京神州數(shù)碼與美國GATEWAY公司合作談判
2007.07             發(fā)展中國家宏觀經(jīng)濟管理研修班(由來自40多個國政府官員參加)
2007.05             潔尼克爾衛(wèi)浴制品有限公司
2007.03             印度石材協(xié)會
  1.              國際鴿展
2006.10.19—22     亞洲教育論壇2006北京年會
                        口譯員( 招待酒會、歡迎晚宴、閉幕式、成果簽約)
Curriculum Vitae
English major test band 8
Qualification Certificate of Translation Proficiency (Second Level Interpreter) issued by Ministry of Personnel of PRC
Certificate of Second Level Interpreter jointly issued by Ministry of Education of PRC and Beijing Foreign Studies University

Part time Interpretation experience
Aug 6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Waters LC-MS Press Conference
Aug 4-5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for MFR 2015 Mid-Year Review Meeting
Aug 3th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Cochlear Implantation Seminar
July 30-1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Global Governance and Open Economy:2015 G20 Think Tank Summit
July 23-24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 8th China Commercial Vehicle Summit
July 20-22th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2015 Create Change Design Forum-Communication Design Forum
July 20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Future Leader-Youth Ambassador Revisit of the Silk Road International Youth Summer Camp
July 18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Audi Bayern Munich VS Valencia Press Conference
July 17-18th
July 15-16th
Consecutive Interpreter for Youth Royal Etiquette Training
July 14th
Simultaneous Interpreter for BMW North Region Investor & GM Workshop
July 10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the US Mixed Martial Arts WSOF Comes to China Press Conference
July 8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for UK-China Agri-Tech Workshop on Precision Agriculture and Soil Management
July 6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for UNESCO Category 2 Center Application Meeting
June 30th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Brilliance Auto J11 Meeting
June 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Fourth Global Think Tank Summit-Global Sustainable Development the Role of Think Tank
June 25th
Consecutive Interpreter for the Press Conference on OURGAME’s Acquisition of WPT World Poker Tour
June 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2015 PEAK Stars China Tour Press Conference
June 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Conference on the Hague Securities Convention:
China and the World
June 15-18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle Logistic Workshop 2015
June 10-11th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Asia New Energy Vehicle Summit 2015
June 9th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Chemistry-A Way to Better Life AICM 2015 Responsible Care Award Ceremony and Closing Ceremony of AICM Open-to-Public Day Event
June 2nd
Consecutive Interpreter for J.P Morgan Global China Summit 2015
May 28th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Roundtable on Local Energy Enterprise Reform and Development
May 24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for BANFF Mountain Film Festival
May 22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Researchers Meeting on Peripheral T-cell Lymphoma PTCL Pralatrexate treatment 3rd Clinical Trail
May 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Government Affairs Forum
May 19th-20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 5th International Open Air Vegetable Production and Eco Fertilization Seminar
May 18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle Business Academy NEXT Training
May 11th-15th
Consecutive Interpreter for Teacher’s Training on Best Practice
May 4th-8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle Supply Chain Training AOA Zone
April 29th
Consecutive Interpreter for IAI Design Award Seminar
April 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for China SDN/NFV Conference 2015
April 22nd
Consecutive Interpreter for CMTBA-Machine Tool Executive Meeting
April 21st
Consecutive Interpreter for Sennheiser 70th Anniversary
April 20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 5th Beijing International Film Festival-Beijing Film Market Contract Signing Ceremony
April 19th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International CEO Forum of Machine Tool Manufacturing Industry 2015
April 17th
Simultaneous Interpreter for GMIC Global Mobile Internet Conference Press Conference
April 16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Brilliance Auto J11 Project Review meeting
April 13-14th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle NEXT1 Group 9 Module 7 Supply Chain & GLOBE Training
April 8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for CCD Cultural Forum
March 31st
Simultaneous Interpreter for China-Latin America Relations in 2015:Beyond Complementarity
March 28-29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 35th Beijing Youth Science Creation Competition Science Education Creation Forum of Chinese and Foreign Teachers
March 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for VARIAN Edge Radiosurgery Clinical Seminar
March 26-27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for CPAPE Annual Meeting 2015-Biopharmacy
March 24-25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Ormco Forum-Orthodontist meeting
March 19th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle GCR Company Update 2015 Dongguan
March 16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle GCR Company Update 2015 Xiamen
Mar 10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Manulife TEDA Fund Management Board Meeting
Mar 6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Tencent Nielsen Business Negotiation
Mar 5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Brilliance Auto J11 Project Review meeting
Mar 3-4th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle GCR Company Update 2015
Feb 14th
Simultaneous Interpreter for JANGHO Curtain Wall Annual Conference
Feb 5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China Iron Ore 2015
Feb 3-4th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Armani EA Spring and Summer New Product Training
Jan 29-30th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Journey to Zero-Nestle Conference 2015
Jan 21-22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Markor Group 25th Anniversary
Jan 16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Tianjin Forum 2015 Adjustment of Urban Industrial Layout and Spatial Optimization
Jan 13-14th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Ogilvy & Mather China Cooking Up the Future
Jan 7-8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Lancaster Sunscreen Family Press Conference
Dec 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the first “Tengfei Cup” Staff English Competition of the Ansteel Group Corporation
Dec 18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Enhancing the Global Supply Chain Efficiency by E-Manifest Exchange in APEC Region High Level Stakeholder Seminar
Dec 16th
Consecutive Interpreter for 2014 Ultracapacitor Anniversary Summit 2014
Dec 15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 11th HUADE Awards Economic Figures Selection and the 2014 HUADE Award Entrepreneurs Public Image Satisfaction Survey AWARD CEREMONY
Dec 10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Mid-term Review of FAO Country Programming Framework CPF for China
Dec 9th
Consecutive Interpreter for 2014 China 3D Technology & Creation Expo Opening Ceremony-3D Summit Forum
Dec 5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Australia-China Center for Air Quality Science and Management Launching Ceremony
Dec 1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Any Car My Car Event
Nov 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Seminar on the Demonstration Province of Quality and Safety of the Export Agricultural Products in Shandong
Nov 25-26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2014 Eco-Finance International Forum-Launch of the Center for Eco-Financial Studies, RUC
Nov 25th
Consecutive Interpreter for Alcon Refractive Cataract Surgery
Nov 22-24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 60th Anniversary of Beijing Dance Academy Ballet Department Special Events-International Ballet Education Seminar
Nov 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Fostering China's Participation in the Global Biopharmaceutical Research and Development System
Nov 20-21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle NEXT1 (Nestle EXecutive Training 1) Group 9 Module 6-Marketing Mind
Nov 18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Conference on Project Outcome of Green Finance Taskforce
Nov 15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2014 One Show Festival for Greater China
Nov 13-14th
Consecutive Interpreter for the 2nd International Union of Railways UIC Executive Training Program for China Railways
Nov 4-6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2014 Food Contact Legislation Forum
Oct 30th-1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 30th Anniversary of Industrial Design Department Academy of Arts and Desian Tsinghua University and the Forum on Transformation of Design within the Context of Social Innovation
Oct 29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Airline Ancillary Revenue Strategies Workshop
Oct 28th
Consecutive Interpreter for Neo Ogilvy Business Negotiation
Oct 26-27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for BEAUTECH CHINA 2014
Oct 25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Creative & Macro Development Forum in 21st CIAF
Oct 24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for SYNC 2014 IT Carnival
Oct 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Brilliance Project Renaissance Steering Committee
Oct 22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Volkswagen Import Key Investor Conference
Oct 20th-21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Health Law and Bioethics-Forefront Research and Update Development
Oct 19th
Simultaneous Interpreter for LAVION Diabetes Stem Cell Expert Day
Oct 17-18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Teacher Education in Multicultural Societies: Opportunities and Changes WFATE the Third Biennial Conference, Beijing, China
Oct 11-14th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Beijing Dance Academy 60th Anniversary
Oct 9th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation System
Sep 26th-28th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Create Change Design Forum
Simultaneous Interpreter for Brilliance Project Renaissance Steering Committee
Sep 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Quality Assurance in Higher Education--Global Experiences and China's Exploration
Simultaneous Interpreter for Globalization's Effects on the International Community
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2014 IWDF LP Meeting
Sep 17th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Wi-Fi World Technical Seminar
Sep 16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for SEC Saudi Arabian Electricity Company Beijing Roadshow
Sep 12th
Simultaneous Interpreter for FIA Formula E Championship Evening Gala
Sep 12th
Simultaneous Interpreter for IDC Technology Leaders Envision the Future-Technology Adoption in Asian Financial Services
Sep 11th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2014 AgriWorld Conference Harbin 2014
Sep 10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 27th IAOPA World Assembly & China's 4th Low-Altitude Economy Summit
Sep 5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Publicis Dongfeng Reno Project
Sep 4th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2014 AHF International Hotel Investment Summit
Sep 1-3rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle Dairy Seminar 2014
Aug 28th-29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Summer of CFG-Barco the 11th Digital Cinema Forum Beijing China
Aug 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for ICSC China Asset Management Conference
Aug 18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Novozymes Enzymes Fermentation Strategic Meeting
Aug 14th-15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle NEXT Training on Marketing
Aug 11th-12th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2014 Beijing TechCrunch
Aug 8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2014 APEC Advertising Standards Forum and Mentoring Workshop
Aug 3rd-5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 13th APFG Conference on Giftedness
Aug 1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle GCR Supply Chain Training
July 31st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Brilliance Auto J11 Project SC Meeting
July 30th
Consecutive Interpreter for Maxwell Supercapacitor Press Conference
July 27th-29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle GCR Supply Chain Training
July 25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Elagolix Endometriosis China AB Meeting
July 22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Press Conference on Sovereign Credit Ratings of the Republic of Suriname
July 17th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Sensus Smart Meter Technical Seminar
July 15&16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Emporio Armani Trainning
July 10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle Grocery Retail Sales Meeting 2014-New Reality New Start
July 8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Hansgrohe Distributor Training Meeting
July 3rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Brilliance Auto J11 Project SC Meeting
June 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for IDC Financial Insights Executives Roundtable
June 25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for The Big Talk-Beyond Digital Baidu
June 24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 3rd International Conference and Expo on Energy Storage in China-Advanced Energy Storage Technology Demands and Solutions
June 19th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Infineum Lubricant Trends 2014-Driving to A Sustainable Future
June 18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Upgrade China-Africa Cooperation & Realize the Dream of China and Africa Revitalization
June 17th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Seminar on Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance
June 16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for WECBA Capital Forum
June 13th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Symposium for Point of Care Ultrasound-the Value of Visualization
June 11th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Sustainable Well-being Indicators for Emerging Economies: Based on the Case of China
June 8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 8th China International Private Equity Forum-the Scientific and Technological Private Equity Forum ACG Corporate Growth Forum
June 4th
Consecutive Interpreter for the Press Conference of US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act-FATCA
May 31st
Simultaneous Interpreter for US-China Student Summit
May 30th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China Child Safety Feasibility Research on Mandatory Use of Child Passenger Restraint System Achievement Release Conference
May 29th
Consecutive Interpreter for Weber Shandwick Media Interview
May 28th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Driving Next Level Execution in China-Building Capabilities, Systems and Implementation Capacity to Drive Sustainable Value Capture
May 24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 21st Century Hospital CEO Summit-Seeking the Best Healthcare Practice
May 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 18th Investment & Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China & the Silk Road international Exposition
May 21-22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Optinet China & FTTH FORUM
May 20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Twentieth Anniversary of Dagong Global and the Launch of Credit Education Alliance (CEA)
May 20th
Consecutive Interpreter for Gartner 3D Printing Technology Workshop
May 19th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 1st World Theatre Education Convention with 3rd Asian Theatre Schools Festival
May 15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Claims Excellence in China Roadshow
May 15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for BOC Global PE Summit 2014
May 14th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Sino-European HVAC Congress-Heat Pump Technology Session
May 13th
Simultaneous Interpreter for IDC’s Asia/Pacific Infravision Conference 2014
May 8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Zhang Defen, Chinese World’s Chief Spiritual Writer’s Workshop at P&G Beijing
May 7th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2014 15th China International NGV and Gas Station Equipment Summit Forum
Apr 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China International Logistics Development Conference
Simultaneous Interpreter for China SDN/NFV Conference
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2014 AutoBild Aoto Design Contest
Simultaneous Interpreter for Global Ambassador Culture Forum & Global Times 5th Anniversary
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Fourth Beijing International Film Festival CentEast-China-East Europe Film Promotion Project
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Eighth Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference-Chinese Coal Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference
Apr 14th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Venture Capital Incubator International Innovation Forum
Apr 11th
Simultaneous Interpreter for IDC ‘Unfair Competition’ White Paper Press Conference
Apr 1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Seminar on Natural Gas Distributed Energy and Surplus Heat Utilization
Mar 26th-27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Sino-British First International Seminar on Laboratory Animal Welfare & Ethics
Mar 25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Board of Strategic Committee Meeting on Shareholder’s Ownership/Equity Increase
Mar 22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Halo 2024"Quelle" Stem Cell Anti-aging Conference
Mar 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for 312 Global IT & Sourcing Leadership Summit
Mar 6th-9th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2014 VGIC Dealer and Investor Partnership Meeting
Feb 25-26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China Iron Ore 2014
Feb 12th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Hungary-China Business Forum
Jan 26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Jangho Curtain Wall Annual Meeting
Jan 23rd-24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle“Journey to Zero” Workshop
Jan 22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Coleman Outdoor Company Kick off meeting
Jan 21st
Consecutive Interpreter for Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau
Jan 17th
Consecutive Interpreter for Amadeus Press Conference
Jan 16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2013International Tourism Annual Meeting @Elites Awarding Ceremony
Jan 10th & 13rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for VGIC VW Brand 2014 Q1 Dealer Conference
Jan 9th
Simultaneous interpreter for P&G Air Purifier market research
Dec 11th
Consecutive Interpreter for Douglas Mcwilliams-World Chief Economist
Dec 7th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China-Australia High level Talks
Dec 5th
Consecutive Interpreter for Community Dance Workshop at Beijing Dance Academy
Dec 2nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Tena Care Academy-Building Quality Care System in Institution
Nov 29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Ears of Beijing Workshop in UCCA (Ullens Center of Contemporary Art
Nov 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Arts and Brain: Arts Administration Thinking International Symposium on the 10th Anniversary of Department of Arts Administration
Nov 22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Beidou Satellite Positioning System International Development Seminar
Nov 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 9th EU-China Business Summit
Nov 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Baidu Moments Marketing Event
Nov 20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International forum on Low Carbon Industry and Green Economy
Nov 19th
Consecutive Interpreter for Baidu Integrated Marketing Communication Workshop
Nov 18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for East Asia Cooperation Forum 2013
Nov 15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Seminar on Greening Opportunities for Chinese Coal Sector
Nov 14th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle 5th Training on Supply Chain
Nov 12th-13th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 2nd Annual Smart Airport China Summit
Nov 6th-7th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Merrill Lynch China Investment Summit 2013
Nov 5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2013 the Opening Ceremony of 2013 China 3D Technology and Creation Expo & the 3D symposium
Oct 29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 5G Mobile and Communication Technologies Workshop
Oct 26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 20th China International Advertising Festival-International Creative Forum
Oct 24th-25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for EV Technology Innovation Forum 2013(EVTIF 2013)
Oct 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Fifth&Pacific Ethics and Compliance Seminar
Oct 18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Hurun Report Anniversary Celebration Entrepreneurs Summit
Jul 17th-18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Armani Autumn and Winter New Product Training Session
Jul 8th-10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China International Auto Tech Forum
Jul 2nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for EU-China Workshop on the Role of Culture and Creativity for Regional and Local Development
Jul 1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for VGIC VW Brand 2013 Q3 Dealer Conference
Jun 26th-27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Aesthetics China 2013
Jun 19th-20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for First Roundtable Meeting on Chinese and African Cultural Industries
Jun 5th-6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Optinet China FTTH Forum
May 29th-30th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle Workshop Path to Purchase
May 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 3rd Tena Care Academy - Building Quality Care System in Institution
May 22nd-23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for GPD-Glass Deep Processing Seminar
May 18th-20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Ogilvy China Creative Council
May 15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Qingdao-Multinationals Communication Meeting
May 13th-14th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Ogilvy Global Board Meeting
May 9th
Consecutive Interpreter for Amadeus Press Conference
May 8th
Consecutive Interpreter for the Meeting between Gartner and CCTV on Big Data
Apr 26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Ogilvy Big Ideal Workshop
Apr 24th-25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China SDN Conference 2013
Apr 22nd-23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G Pampers Market Research
Apr 18th-20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for New Meanings and Pathways: Community Dance and Dance Education Symposium
Apr 16th-17th
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G Pampers Market Research
Apr 14th
Consecutive Interpreter for Virginia Governor
Apr 11th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2013 IWDF Annual LP Meeting
Apr 10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G Oral Care Market Research
Apr 8th-9th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Sino European HVAC Congress-Central Heating Session
Apr 2nd
Consecutive Interpreter for Amadeus Press Conference
Mar 28th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Windows Phone Development Competition Final
Mar 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 8th China Securities Investment Fund Industry Summit--Top level Forum of Asset Management
Mar 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Diabetes Stem Cell Treatment Open Day Technological Communication Workshop
Mar 21st-22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Ogilvy China Away Day
Mar 18th
Consecutive Interpreter for GE Industrial Endoscope Roundtable
Mar 14th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle NEXT Training
Mar 12th-13th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Armani Spring and Summer New Product Training Session
Mar 11th
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G Washing Detergent Market Research
Mar 6th-8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G Roll Tissue Market Research
Feb 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Slovakia Investment Forum
Feb 25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Workshop on Successful Strategy and Experience of US Technological Asset
Feb 5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for JANGHO Curtain Wall Annual Meeting
Jan 31st
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G Washing Machine Market Research
Jan 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle Yiyang Protein Powder Press Conference
Jan 10th-12th
Simultaneous Interpreter for HNA Group 2013 Work Meeting
Jan 8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 8th Beijing International Printing Technology Exhibition - International Media Week
Jan 6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Forum on International Cultural Industries, China
Dec 7th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Yizhuang Economic & Technological Anniversary Celebration
Dec 6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle ICP Meeting
Dec 5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Microsoft TechED
Dec 3rd-4th
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G Braun Shaver Market Reasearch
Nov 30th
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G Laundry Product Market Research
Nov 28th
Simultaneous Interpreter for TENA Care Academy, Building Quality Care in Institution
Nov 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Seminar on Managing Infection Control-selecting the right gloves and signing of memorandum of arrangement
Nov 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for UK-China Ocean Technology and Policy Workshop
Nov 22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G Shampoo Market Research
Nov 12th-16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle Good Hygienic Engineering Workshop
Nov 9th-10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2012 International Forum on Chinese Automotive Safety Technology Development
Nov 8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2012China-Australia Resources Investment
Nov 6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for FY13 Monsanto China Townhall and Vegetable meeting
Nov 5th
Consecutive Interpreter for Amadeus GDS IT Solution Press Conference
Nov 1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Baidu Moments Annual Conference
Oct 31st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle Marketing Workshop
Oct 25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Safety and Risk Assessment of Plastics
Oct 24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G Innovation ONE Asia
Oct 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 6th China CEO Forum 2012
Oct 17th-18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2012 China Small Cell Symposium
Oct 10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Meat Product Strategic Development Summit
Sep 26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Ministry of Civil Affairs Charitable Organization Workshop
Sep 25th
Consecutive Interpreter for World Contraceptive Day Press Conference
Sep 24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2012 Global New Media & Social Good Summit-Beijing Station
Sep 19th-21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for NESTLE GCR NEXT HR Training Session
Sep 17th-18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Brand Marketing Training Session
Sep 11th-16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Yinlu VSED Workshop
Sep 8th-9th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Asian Shopping Mall Forum
Sep 6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2012 China-Japan Business Communication and IT Creative Technology Seminar
Aug 29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China-ASEAN Intangible Cultural Heritage
Conservation Seminar
Aug 28th
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G New Packaging Workshop
Aug 23rd-24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2012 China International Drug Safety Summit
Aug 20th-21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Leadership and Followership Workshop
Aug 14th-16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Yinlu Brand Marketing Workshop
Aug 9th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nonferrous Metal International Market Seminar
Aug 6th
Consecutive Interpreter for P&G Business Negotiation
Aug 1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Lenovo and EMC Strategic Alliance Press Conference
Jul 30th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Indonesia Infrastructure Construction Investment Forum
Jul 23rd-26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for George Armani & EA Autumn and Winter Product Release Training
July 12th-13th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2012 EV Technology Innovation Forum
July 5th-6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2012 Industrial Plasticizer Forum
June 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for PCB Technical Forum
June 19th-20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2012 International Medical Spar and Anti-aging Conference
June 18th
Consecutive Interpreter for Novo Nordisk GIA Conference
June 13th-15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Global Industrial Feedstock Summit
June 12th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Conference on Green Building and Low-Carbon Eco-city Planning
June 6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Ogilvy & Mather HR Training
May 30th-31st
Simultaneous Interpreter for OPTINET CHINA
May 28th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2012 Institutional Limited Partner Federation-Limited Partner Seminar
May 26th-27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Fourth Dalian International Economic Forum
May 22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nursing Home's Quality Care Seminar
May 20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Hospital Construction Conference-Evidence-Based Design and Planning
Apr 26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Check Point Multilayer Internet Safety Threat Prevention Seminar
Apr 25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Wall Street Journal's Interpretation of China's Economic Indicator
Apr 22nd
Consecutive Interpreter for Dongfeng Truck Best Dealer Party
Apr 19th-20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for APEAR Asia-Pacific Employee Assistance Round Table
Apr 17th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Asian Anti-trust Forum
Apr 10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Hsu Fu Chi Marketing Training Session
Apr 5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Sino-European Heating Congress
March 30th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Yinlu Marketing Training Session
March 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2012 Nestle Distributor Conference
March 6th-9th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Nestle China Update
Feb 28th-29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Iron Ore China
Feb 22nd-23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Information Communication Conference
Feb 14th-15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Armani Spring and Summer New Product Release
Feb 8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Fitch Sovereign Debt Briefing
Jan 9th-10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2012 Coal to Syngas Technical Seminar
Dec 21st-22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G Consumer Survey
Dec 19th-20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Zhengzhou New District Baisha & Lvbo Cluster Schematic Design Briefing
Dec 13rd-15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for NVDIA GPU Asia Station
Dec 9th
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G Washing Powder Costumer Survey
Dec 7th-8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2011 Venture Capital & PE Investment Summit
Dec 3rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Electronic Product Survey
Dec 1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2011 Summit on Under Ground Water Pollution and Water System Security
Nov 29th
Consecutive Interpreter for China International Free Trade Area Investment and Trade Cooperative Seminar
Nov 21st-24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Applied Cognitive Center-HR Training Seminar
Nov 19th-20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Seminar on China Precious Metal Recycling
Nov 12th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Seminar on World Architectural History Education and Research
Nov 10th-11th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Second China Gas Summit
Nov 9th
Consecutive Interpreter for Berliner Philharmoniker Press Release
Nov 3rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2011 Wireless World and Internet of Things Conference
Nov 2nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Difficulties of Domestic Contractors in Overseas Market-Protect Ourselves by Applying International Building Principles
Oct 31st-Nov 1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for IHRSA China Management Forum
Oct 25th-27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Information Security Academic Seminar
Oct 21st
Consecutive Interpreter for Chaoyang District Foreigners Round Table Discussion
Oct 18th-20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for ANGVA 2011 Natural Gas Vehicle Summit
Oct 10th-11th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Zhengzhou New District Baisha & Lvbo Cluster Design Soliciting Conference
Sep 28th-29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2011 World Smart Grid Forum
Sep 22nd-23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Shipowner and Service 2011
Sep 19th-20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 6th International Seminar on China Urban Water Development
Sep 8th-13th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Sister Cities Twinning Summit in Cairo
Sep 5th-6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China Clean Fuel Summit 2011
Aug 26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Henan Technology Transfer Cooperative Forum and Multinational Meeting Session
Aug 11st-13rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Second World Cities Scientific Development Forum
Jul 25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2011 Small Hydro Development Forum
Jul 12st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Adworld 2011-the Annual Event of Digital Marketing
Jun 29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Tour of Qinghai Lake-Cycling Race
Jun 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for China Steel Sustainable Development Forum
Jun 22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Tetra Pack Best Supplier Conference
Jun 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for China-UK Low-Carbon Technology Transfer Cooperative Forum
Jun 16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Forum on Professional Education Cooperation
Jun 15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Forum on Shanxi Province Institution Reform: Theory, Practice, Challenge and Prospect.
Jun 11st-12nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Cheung Kong Business School MBA courses-Creation and Innovation
Jun 8th-9th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Seminar on Social Housing and Affordable Housing-China Subsidized Housing and Housing Industry Modernization Forum
May 30th-31st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Seminar on Asian Public Administration Reform & AGPA First Meeting (Asian Group of Public Administration)
May 29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Third China Dalian Economic Forum
May 24th-26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Petrochemical conference—Defining the Future held by Sud Chemie
May 19th-20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for ATEC 6th International Forum
May 8th-16th
Consecutive Interpreter for the UNISDR Global Platform--World Reconstruction Conference held in Geneva, Switzerland
April 28th-30th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the International Academic Seminar on Chinese Literature Overseas Promotion
April 23rd
Consecutive Interpreter for the Press Conference of Investment Immigration to US
April 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 4th International Software Testing Conference Held in Tianjin
April 20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for The 7th Annual China Urban Rail Summit
April 15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Global e-Purchasing Roundtable 2011
April 14th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Seminar on Clean Energy and Low Carbon Technology
April 7th-8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2nd China Green Fuels and Green Vehicles
March 29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for US Department of Energy --Joining Vision and Technology for Green Building
March 28th
Simultaneous Interpreter for BMU New Building Project Final Workshop: 
“From pCDM to Carbon Trading --- the New Incentives for Energy Saving in the Building Sector in China”
March 23rd-24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China Iron Ore 2011
March 15th-16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for TOC Asia 2011 Conference
March 7th-8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Training Session on Performance Management
March 3rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Sino European Congress themed by Modern Energy Saving Concepts and Technologies for HVAC Technology in Buildings
Feb 22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Seminar on Global Carbon Trading Mechanism
Jan 29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Annual Conference of Jangho Curtain Wall Co., Ltd
Dec 8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for The principle is rooted in daily use—2010 International lacquer exhibition and international seminar
Dec 14th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Oracle annual meeting—Core Java Platform
Dec 16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for VAISALA Defense Meteorology seminar
Dec 17th
Simultaneous Interpreter for The Signing Ceremony of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation’s Joining the International Council of Chemical
Nov 1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Beijing 2010 International Forum on Education
Nov 3rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Panasonic HR Development Workshop
Nov 4th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2010 International Seminar on Stage Design
Nov 5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Harmonious Family Summit
Nov 10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2010 International Summit on lottery industry
Nov 16th-17th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2010 China Mining Conference
Nov 18th
Consecutive Interpreter for Bluetooth technology press conference
Nov 29th-Dec 2nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Asian Clean Coal summit—focus on China
Oct 11th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Sedex members conference
Oct 13th-15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for WSIM 2010
Oct 16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Movie list of list award ceremony and 30th anniversary of Dynasty Winery ltd
Oct 19th-20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 5th Sino-Swedish Workshop on CSR
Oct 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2010 International Symposium on Green University
Sep 1o th-11th
Simultaneous Interpreter for World Cities Scientific Development Forum
Sep 13th
Consecutive Interpreter for DEVNET Business Negotiation
Sep 16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2010 China·Global Packaged Water Congress
Sep 19th
Consecutive Interpreter for under secretary general of UNISDR in Beijing
Sep 26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2nd (Beijing) Int’l PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition Golden Sun PV Industry Summit 2010
Sep 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Beijing Solar Industry Sustainable Development and International Cooperation
Sep 28th
Consecutive Interpreter for Business Negotiation of China Building Material Group
Sep 30th
Consecutive Interpreter for Shareholder’s meeting of Beijing Agricultural Group
Aug 7th-10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Beckman sales skill training seminar
Aug 12th-15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Business Negotiation Skills
Aug 26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Cancon 2010
July 6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 4th Transportation Safety Seminar in China
July 7th
Consecutive Interpreter for the exclusive interview of the president of Ohio State University
July 22nd-23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2010 China Juice Conference
July 28th
Consecutive Interpreter for China Development Bank Financing conference
June 2nd-3rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Glass Performance Day in Beijing
June 7th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Olay Body wash Roundtable discussion
June 8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Market Research of Breil(Italian Brand)
June 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Monsanto Vegetable Business 2010 Distributor Awards Night
June 22nd -23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2010 International Conference on Urban Development and Planning
June 29th-30th
Simultaneous Interpreter for P&G pampers Roundtable discussion
May 6th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Soros in Tsinghua University
May 7th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Seminar on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction
May 18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for ASEAN Investment & Cooperative meeting
May 20th
 Simultaneous Interpreter for 2010 FT Chinese-Qingdao International Finance
May 25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China Snack Food 2010
May 30th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Scola (Houston Rocket) in Beijing
April 15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 3rd International Food Safety Summit 2010
April 16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Forum on the Development of Sweet Potato
April 22nd -23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Intergraph Smart Grid China 2010
April 27th
Consecutive Interpreter for Brazilian Petroleum Corporation
March 10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Forum for 2010 Beijing Architectural Decoration Design and International Bathroom Design Trends
March 11th
Simultaneous Interpreter for ISH China 2010
March 23th -24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Strategic B2B Negotiation Skills Beijing
March 25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Seminar on HINI Media response
January 9th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Promotion Meeting on Tangshan Investment Environment and Key Projects Release
January 11th
Consecutive Interpreter for Tender Meeting on Centrotherm Technical Seminar
January 28th
Consecutive Interpreter for the Cooperation between COOPHIMMELBLAU and Erdos Municipal Government
December 1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Roundtable Discussion on Water Supply and Drainage
December 8th
Consecutive Interpreter for E-Winners
December 29th
Consecutive Interpreter for the Launching ceremony for the 1st World Cities Scientific Development
November 7th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 5th China Plastics Industry’s Development (International) Forum 2009
November 8th
Simultaneous Interpreter for DANSCROSS:Dancing in a shaking world
November 13th
Consecutive Interpreter for Siemens
November 17th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the World Low Carbon and Eco-economy Conference & Technical Exposition
November 18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Seminar Multinationals in China
November 24th-25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Second China Service Trade Conference
November 30th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Fourth International Conference for China Urban Water Development and Expo of Technologies and Facilities ﹠Annual Convention (2009) of China Urban Water Association
October 10th
Consecutive Interpreter for Vestas meeting on Wind Power
October 13th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Sino-US Chemical Engineering Joint Meeting
October 15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2009 Annual Meeting of Clean and Efficient Coal Power Generation Technology Network
October 16th-18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2009 International Conference on Interaction Design (ICID)
October 21st-22nd
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Workshop for Large Wind Power Grid Integration
October 26th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Seminar on Becoming a World-Renowned Health Sciences Center in the Global Market
October 28th-29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Texcare Forum Asia
October 31st-1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2009 Chinese Landscape Architecture Education Conference & Landscape Architects Conference
September 4th-5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the International Seminar on Bio-products
Quality Management and Lot Release
September 9th
Consecutive Interpreter for Dalian Davos meeting
September 10th
Consecutive Interpreter for COOPHIMMELBLAU and Dalian Municipal Planning Bureau
September 11th
Consecutive Interpreter for COOPHIMMELBLAU and Dalian Shipyard
September 12th
Consecutive Interpreter for the third Schematic Report on Shenzhen Urban Planning Museum
September 16th
Consecutive Interpreter for the Speech by Wolf D. Prix in Dalian University of Technology
September 22nd
Consecutive Interpreter for Anta Designer Saloon
September 24th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 4th Asia Bio-Business Partnering 2009
September 27th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 5th meeting of the CCICED Task Force
August 10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Globalspec seminar
August 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for the third International Forum on Geological Park Development
July 1st
Simultaneous Interpreter for Xinhua News agency:Hope in the Crisis:Emerging countries,Emerging industries and Emerging markets
July 16th
Consecutive Interpreter for AMD and Kylin Game
July 23rd
Whispering interpretation for P&G market research
June 18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Seminar:Springboard to Europe
June 13rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for Seminar on Graduates Competitiveness of Chinese Privately-owned Colleges 2009
June 9th-10th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Sonyericsson
June 1st
Consecutive Interpreter for Chairman Zheng Bijian at Diao Yutai State Guest House
May 27th-28th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 2009 Beijing International Conference on Art Theory and Criticism
May 22nd-23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 12th China Beijing International High-Tech Expo (CHITEC)
May 21st
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Ultra-high Voltage seminar 2009
May 11th­­-12th
Simultaneous Interpreter for World Glass Performance Day organized by Glaston
April 29th-30th
Simultaneous Interpreter for National Seminar on Rules Governing Subsidies on Services Trade Held by MOFCOM
April 23rd
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 2nd International Software Testing Conference Held in Tianjin
April 16th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the 2nd Sino-EU International Biotechnology Industry Development &Innovation Forum
March 25th  
Interpreter for Financial Board Meeting of Sino Santa Fe International Transportation Services
March 18th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Forum on Urban Construction and Environmental Protection
March 11th
Interpreter for Business Negotiation between Neptune and Minshan
Metallurgical Group on Sulphide
February 21st   
Interpreter for Business Negotiation for Austrian Chamber of Commerce
February 16th       
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Forum on IT and Information Security
January 16th      
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Forum on Dairy Security
December 28th
Interpreter for Opening Ceremony of Kerk Pederson’s Exhibition on
Urban Image
December 15th
Interpreter for Business Negotiation Between Neptune and Minshan Metallurgical Group on Offtake Partners
December 8th        
Interpreter for Financing Conference of National Development Bank Zhengzhou Branch
November 27th
Interpreter for Business Talk between SRP and China Chain Store’s Association
November 26th
Interpreter for Business Talk between SRP and Overseas Chinese Enterprises Association
November 25th
Interpreter for Banquet Reception Hosted in honor of Britain Business Delegation
November 24th
Interpreter for Business Talk between SRP and CCBCC
November 17th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Vogue and Self Magazine
November 15th
Interpreter for Vestas Staff Training Conference
November 13th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China Minning Expo
October 30th 
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Academic Report on Landscape Gardening
October 28th
Simultaneous Interpreter for the Second International Cultural Forum
October 20th
Simultaneous Interpreter for China International Copyright Annual Conference
October 15th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Technology Forum on Power Grids and Clean Energy in Construction Industry
October 9th
Simultaneous Interpreter for International Symposium on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in
September 6th -28th
Interpreter for Vestas SAP Software Training
August 6th-24th
Interpreter for China Mobile in Olympic Village
July 5th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Educational Forum in Beijing University of Technology
June 16th
Interpreter for Business negotiation between Honor Lohome and U.S Management Group on Financing and Investment
June 6th
Interpreter for Business Negotiation between DMC France and Yizhenfang Company Beijing
May 29th
Simultaneous Interpreter for 2008 Annual Conference of International Navigation Association
March until Now      
Interpreter for Beijing Guarding Center in Chaoyang District
April 25th
Simultaneous Interpreter for Medical Symposium in Peking University
July, 2007             
Interpreter for Seminar on Macro-economy Management for Developing Countries (sponsored by National Development and Reform Commission)
May, 2007               
Interpreter for Joker Industry Corporation Limited               
April, 2007            
Interpreter for Federal Office for Professional Education and
Technology, Switzerland
March, 2007           
Interpreter for Business negotiation between Victory and Air Bus
March, 2007          
Interpreter for India Stone and Granite Association
January, 2007
Interpreter for International Pigeon Exhibition

Unitrans世聯(lián)翻譯公司在您身邊,離您近的翻譯公司,心貼心的專業(yè)服務,專業(yè)的全球語言翻譯與信息解決方案供應商,專業(yè)翻譯機構品牌。無論在本地,國內(nèi)還是海外,我們的專業(yè)、星級體貼服務,為您的事業(yè)加速!世聯(lián)翻譯公司在北京、上海、深圳等國際交往城市設有翻譯基地,業(yè)務覆蓋全國城市。每天有近百萬字節(jié)的信息和貿(mào)易通過世聯(lián)走向全球!積累了大量政商用戶數(shù)據(jù),翻譯人才庫數(shù)據(jù),多語種語料庫大數(shù)據(jù)。世聯(lián)品牌和服務品質(zhì)已得到政務防務和國際組織、跨國公司和大中型企業(yè)等近萬用戶的認可。 專業(yè)翻譯公司,北京翻譯公司,上海翻譯公司,英文翻譯,日文翻譯,韓語翻譯,翻譯公司排行榜,翻譯公司收費價格表,翻譯公司收費標準,翻譯公司北京,翻譯公司上海。
收藏  打印
  • “貴司提交的稿件專業(yè)詞匯用詞準確,語言表達流暢,排版規(guī)范, 且服務態(tài)度好。在貴司的幫助下,我司的編制周期得以縮短,稿件語言的表達質(zhì)量得到很大提升”


  • “我單位是一家總部位于丹麥的高科技企業(yè),和世聯(lián)翻譯第一次接觸,心中仍有著一定的猶豫,貴司專業(yè)的譯員與高水準的服務,得到了國外合作伙伴的認可!”


  • “我公司是一家荷蘭駐華分公司,主要致力于行為學研究軟件、儀器和集成系統(tǒng)的開發(fā)和銷售工作,所需翻譯的英文說明書專業(yè)性強,翻譯難度較大,貴司總能提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務!


  • “為我司在東南亞地區(qū)的業(yè)務開拓提供小語種翻譯服務中,翻譯稿件格式美觀整潔,能最大程度的還原原文的樣式,同時翻譯質(zhì)量和速度也得到我司的肯定和好評!”


  • “在此之前,我們公司和其他翻譯公司有過合作,但是翻譯質(zhì)量實在不敢恭維,所以當我認識劉穎潔以后,對她的專業(yè)性和貴公司翻譯的質(zhì)量非常滿意,隨即簽署了長期合作合同!


  • “我行自2017年與世聯(lián)翻譯合作,合作過程中十分愉快。特別感謝Jasmine Liu, 態(tài)度熱情親切,有耐心,對我行提出的要求落實到位,體現(xiàn)了非常高的專業(yè)性!


  • “與我公司對接的世聯(lián)翻譯客服經(jīng)理,可以及時對我們的要求進行反饋,也會盡量滿足我們臨時緊急的文件翻譯要求。熱情周到的服務給我們留下深刻印象!”


  • “翻譯金融行業(yè)文件各式各樣版式復雜,試譯多家翻譯公司,后經(jīng)過比價、比服務、比質(zhì)量等流程下來,最終敲定了世聯(lián)翻譯。非常感謝你們提供的優(yōu)質(zhì)服務。”


  • “我司所需翻譯的資料專業(yè)性強,涉及面廣,翻譯難度大,貴司總能提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務。在一次業(yè)主單位對完工資料質(zhì)量的抽查中,我司因為俄文翻譯質(zhì)量過關而受到了好評。”


  • “我司在2014年與貴公司建立合作關系,貴公司的翻譯服務質(zhì)量高、速度快、態(tài)度好,贏得了我司各部門的一致好評。貴司經(jīng)理工作認真踏實,特此致以誠摯的感謝!”


  • “我們需要的翻譯人員,不論是筆譯還是口譯,都需要具有很強的專業(yè)性,貴公司的德文翻譯稿件和現(xiàn)場的同聲傳譯都得到了我公司和合作伙伴的充分肯定!


  • “在這5年中,世聯(lián)翻譯公司人員對工作的認真、負責、熱情、周到深深的打動了我。不僅譯件質(zhì)量好,交稿時間及時,還能在我司資金周轉(zhuǎn)緊張時給予體諒!


  • “我公司與世聯(lián)翻譯一直保持著長期合作關系,這家公司報價合理,質(zhì)量可靠,效率又高。他們翻譯的譯文發(fā)到國外公司,對方也很認可!


  • “貴公司翻譯的譯文質(zhì)量很高,語言表達流暢、排版格式規(guī)范、專業(yè)術語翻譯到位、翻譯的速度非?、后期服務熱情。我司翻譯了大量的專業(yè)文件,經(jīng)過長久合作,名副其實,值得信賴!


  • “針對我們農(nóng)業(yè)科研論文寫作要求,盡量尋找專業(yè)對口的專家為我提供翻譯服務,最后又按照學術期刊的要求,提供潤色原稿和相關的證明文件。非常感謝世聯(lián)翻譯公司!”


  • “世聯(lián)的客服經(jīng)理態(tài)度熱情親切,對我們提出的要求都落實到位,回答我們的問題也非常有耐心。譯員十分專業(yè),工作盡職盡責,獲得與其共事的公司總部同事們的一致高度認可!


  • “我公司與馬來西亞政府有相關業(yè)務往來,急需翻譯項目報備材料。在經(jīng)過對各個翻譯公司的服務水平和質(zhì)量的權衡下,我們選擇了世聯(lián)翻譯公司。翻譯很成功,公司領導非常滿意!


  • “客服經(jīng)理能一貫熱情負責的完成每一次翻譯工作的組織及溝通。為客戶與譯員之間搭起順暢的溝通橋梁。能協(xié)助我方建立專業(yè)詞庫,并向譯員準確傳達落實,準確及高效的完成統(tǒng)一風格。”


  • “貴公司與我社對翻譯項目進行了幾次詳細的會談,期間公司負責人和廖小姐還親自來我社拜訪,對待工作熱情,專業(yè)度高,我們雙方達成了很好的共識。對貴公司的服務給予好評!”


  • “非常感謝世聯(lián)翻譯!我們對此次緬甸語訪談翻譯項目非常滿意,世聯(lián)在充分了解我司項目的翻譯意圖情況下,即高效又保質(zhì)地完成了譯文!


  • “在合作過程中,世聯(lián)翻譯保質(zhì)、保量、及時的完成我們交給的翻譯工作?蛻艚(jīng)理工作積極,服務熱情、周到,能全面的了解客戶的需求,在此表示特別的感謝!


  • “我們通過圖書翻譯項目與你們相識乃至建立友誼,你們報價合理、服務細致、翻譯質(zhì)量可靠。請允許我們借此機會向你們表示衷心的感謝!”


  • “很滿意世聯(lián)的翻譯質(zhì)量,交稿準時,中英互譯都比較好,措辭和句式結構都比較地道,譯文忠實于原文。TNC是一家國際環(huán)保組織,發(fā)給我們美國總部的同事后,他們反應也不錯。”


  • “原英國首相布萊爾來訪,需要非常專業(yè)的同聲傳譯服務,因是第一次接觸,心中仍有著一定的猶豫,但是貴司專業(yè)的譯員與高水準的服務,給我們留下了非常深刻的印象!


  • “在與世聯(lián)翻譯合作期間,世聯(lián)秉承著“上善若水、厚德載物”的文化理念,以上乘的品質(zhì)和質(zhì)量,信守對客戶的承諾,出色地完成了我公司交予的翻譯工作。”


  • “由于項目要求時間相當緊湊,所以世聯(lián)在保證質(zhì)量的前提下,盡力按照時間完成任務。使我們在世博會俄羅斯館日活動中準備充足,并受到一致好評。”


  • “貴公司針對客戶需要,挑選優(yōu)秀的譯員承接項目,翻譯過程客戶隨時查看中途稿,并且與客戶溝通術語方面的知識,能夠更準確的了解到客戶的需求,確保稿件高質(zhì)量。”





泌阳县| 彰武县| 酒泉市| 甘孜县| 孟州市| 澄迈县| 拉孜县| 三明市| 兴安盟| 疏附县| 深水埗区| 哈巴河县| 巴南区| 江永县| 万盛区| 永州市| 日照市| 宜良县| 博兴县| 洪江市| 淮阳县| 忻州市| 什邡市| 宣城市| 永吉县| 吉安县| 台前县| 龙泉市| 贵南县| 灵寿县| 五莲县| 连平县| 石狮市| 五家渠市| 宁陵县| 开平市| 屏东市| 乳源| 青浦区| 特克斯县| 乐陵市|